Monday, June 30, 2008

short to look over the

Hey, What are you looking for? (June 30 2008 at SungSan-IlChulBong)

Jenny was tired..

They took a rest on a way(June 30 2008 at SungSan-IlChulBong)

Taken a picture on hillside.

June 30 2008 at SungSan-IlChulBong

a way in

SungSan-IlChulBong way in. (June 30 2008 at SungSan-IlChulBong)

Rumine Cafe

First, We want to go in Udo. so, we went to JongDal dock..but, we were late to miss the boat.
We turned to SungSan-IlChulBong. When we went on way, stoped at Rumine Cafe that is pretty so cool~. The building at the back of us is Rumine(June 30 2008 at Rumine Cafe)

We arrived at Jeju airport...

We don't know what to do... we just waiting the shuttle of lental car(June 30 2008 at Jeju airport)

Jenny saw the airplains through the window

We were waiting the craft....(June 30 2008 at Kimpo airport)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another Gift

"That Everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the gift of God."
Ecclesiastes 3:13

so tired... but, this is also the gift of God.